Fa – the Green Dragon

A Place for the Odd Musings of an Expat Bristolian

Trumpty are you a buffoon





Humpty Trumpty’s a piece of work


Simply put though, he’s just a jerk.


A disrespectful and belligerent oaf


It’s said he’s a few slices short of a loaf.


The world is on edge, the edge of our seat


Just wondering what’ll be his next tweet.


Telling us all that NATO is wrong.


Perhaps Putin taught him this poor Russian song?


How long before he takes us to war?


Not before we have shown him the door.


Be off you scoundrel, monger of power,


Go back where you came from your gold-plated tower.


You’ve surrounded yourself with yes-men too


None renowned for exceptional IQ.


They all came running when you started your hollers.


Mainly because they’d all paid their dollars.


I think you called it “pay-to-Play”.


The things that you’ve said just don’t go away.


We have it on film and we have it in sound


Like karma it’ll just keep coming around.


You can’t grab women whenever you please


When that becomes normal, all hell will freeze.


On Friday the 20th he’ll get sworn- in


Then start his walk on ice that is thin.


Sadly we’ve become a laughing stock


All over the world they’re beginning to mock.


Ringling Brothers is shutting down


It seems we are stuck with a left-over clown.


Trumpty it’s time, we’ve all had enough


Life in the White House is going to be rough.


 Only with lies you’ve made your way through


And now that you’re there what will you do?


Continue to disparage the CIA


And get your info from Julian A.


From here it looks like a very bad ‘toon


Trumpty are you a world-class buffoon?


Author: Cethru Cellophane

I have reached the regrettable realization that I may have squandered my life. I did a quick count recently and figured that I have visited about 66 countries, and lived for more than 3 years in 3 of them. During this time I completed 14 corporate moves (relocations) and have changed my address more than 23 times. I should have settled on a profession that would have kept me in one place with no packing and unpacking. When I think of the time I have spent bundling my life into and out of boxes. Ah well, it's all water under the bridge. But I am grateful for the experience. At the end of the day I will be able to say with a certain authority, "been there, done that". A note about this site’s Header Image The Header image for this site is of the Smith Avenue High Bridge. The bridge was built in 1889 and carries Minnesota State Highway 149 across its span of 2770 feet, 160 feet above the mighty Mississippi River. The picture was taken from the river looking to the north-east and downtown Saint Paul. The bridge is about 1040 miles from New Orleans. One of the reasons I like this view is that I come from a city which has a spectacular bridge. It’s the Clifton Suspension Bridge http://www.ikbrunel.org.uk/clifton-suspension-bridge which spans the Avon Gorge and the River Avon in Bristol, U.K. It’s about 1350 feet long and stands 245 feet above the river below. Sadly it has claimed the lives of more than 400 people who have committed suicide by jumping from the bridge. As a side note, not all attempts were successful. two small girls thrown off the bridge by their deranged father survived the fall when they were fished from the river by the crew of a passing pilot boat. The bridge was opened in 1864 and was designed by the 24 year old architect, Isambard Kingdom brunel. It took 35 years to complete.

6 thoughts on “Trumpty are you a buffoon

  1. “And according you, the EU’s shite too ” hope this scans to add to your poem . Very jolly!


  2. You definitely nailed the general mood of most of the US and elsewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I depressed to admit that two people have unfriended me on facebook and unfollowed on twitter and even here for my anti-Trump views and comments. But in truth I cannot believe he will become our president in 3 more days. I am hoping for the best but I am fearful for our nation. Tank you for your comment and continued readership. Nigel P.S. my friends in UK, Germany, France and China all have expressed their dismay to me.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Hugely enjoyable, but serious. I feel your pain. Stick to your guns, don’t fall for this ‘we must all pull together’ BS. They are trying it here with EU Exit (formerly known as Brexit). I didn’t vote for it (along with 48% of others…just about the largest minority you can have) and I won’t support it. I will work hard, I will carry on doing what I do well, but I will not be forced to comply if I have options not to. I think the parallels are so strong. The world is going through a bit of a brain freeze and it is painful.

    Liked by 1 person

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