Fa – the Green Dragon

A Place for the Odd Musings of an Expat Bristolian

Library Bar

I have always been a reader. Among some of the gifts I got during Christmas 1953, was a Book Token (gift certificate) for 10/- (that’s 10 Shillings) to use at George’s bookshop. George’s is not there anymore, but it used to be located at the top of park Street in Bristol, on the corner of Berkeley Square just before you get to There and Back Again lane. At the time, I was about 9 years old. My very first book that I bought was called The White Cockade. It’s still in print today.

A note about the title for this page: In Madison Wisconsin there is a bar named The Library. It’s frequented for the most part by students attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison. So often,when parents called to inquire of their student sons and daughters “where have you been”? “Oh, I have been at  the library” was the usual response.

More recently however, I have read (or re-read) The Fingerprints of the Gods, Supernatural and Magicians of the Gods all by Graham Hancock. The Egypt Code by Robert Bauval, the Secret Teachers of the Western World by Gary Lachman and The Occult by Colin Wilson. Around the house are partially read Mao by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday , Isis Unveiled by Helena Blavatsky, Hebrew Myths; The Genesis Story by Robert Graves. In the pipeline I have The Secret Doctrine (Blavatsky) and while I have an electronic version on my Nook app., I was recently able to find an affordable copy of The Mabinogion, a translation from the Welsh by Lady Charlotte Guest. By the way I found some of these books at http://www.wordery.com This site does not necessarily have the cheapest prices but they do offer an extraordinary inventory of books. they include free delivery (hence not the cheapest) worldwide. Many of the more obscure or should I say rare books they offer are printed on demand. In addition I was able to find a highly discounted copy of The Divine Comedy at #Barnes& Noble in Maplewood, Minnesota.

Today is June 15th, a special day! The mail man brought a new book for me. The Golden Bough by Sir James G. Frazer. I found it at Wordery.com. It took them only 8 days to deliver. Essentially it’s book about religion. However, it’s a book written over 100 years ago and deals with the business of cultural ritual,  which was a very natural  and accepted form of magic practiced by priests of given cults and shamans of individual tribes. It was originally published in 13 volumes. Happily I received  an 800 page abridged version.

Recently I was able to find two titles that I have looking for for some time. They are The Synchronicity Key and The Source Field Investigation both by David Willcock. I found them both (discounted) at #Barnes  & Noble in Maplewood, Minnesota.



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